What's New Detail
- Uploaded Date : Nov. 23, 2022
- Description :
Name: Dr. Virendra Singh
Degree: MD, DM, FASGE and FAASLD
Designation: Director, Punjab Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, Mohali,Punjab(India)
Brief Write-up:
I am working as Director, Punjab Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, Mohali, Punjab (India) with more than 35 years of teaching experience. I completed my training in Gastroenterology from Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (India) in 1988. After my specialty training, I worked as faculty at Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad and Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna. I joined Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (India) as Assistant Professor in 1992. I worked as Professor and Head of Hepatology at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (India) up to 31.7.2022. I have published more than 170 papers in national as well as international journals. I am working in the field of ascites,post-paracentesis circulatory dysfunction, hepatorenal syndrome, hepatic regeneration in alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis, and malignant hilar biliary obstruction, biliary injuries, and gastrointestinal tuberculosis. I delivered a guest lecture as distinguished speaker at many national as well as international conferences. I have received various awards including Himalaya Junior INASL Fellowship for the year 1994; Olympus Mitra Endoscopy Award for the year 2000-2001; Sisco-Pentax Oration for the year 2000-2001; ISG-Astra Oration for the year 2009; Dr. S R Naik Memorial Award for the year 2014. I received Amrut Mody Unichem Prize for the year 2014 given by Indian Council of Medical Research. American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) selected me as an ASGE Ambassador for pilot Ambassador Program at its Training Center in Cairo, Egypt from February 19-26, 2010.International Club of Ascites selected me as a member of ICA Scientific Committee in February, 2015.American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy awarded me the Fellowship of ASGE (FASGE) for my contribution in the field of Endoscopy.American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases awarded me the Fellowship of AASLD (FAASLD) for my contribution in the field of liver diseases.I am a member of various international societies as American Association for Study of Liver Disease, American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, European Association for Study of Liver and Asian Pacific Association for Study of Liver.
RECRUITMENT- Advertisement for various faculty posts, Senior Residents, Para Medical, and other Staff
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Link for uploading completed application form
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- For Paramedical and other staff- Paramedical and staff
Shortlisted candidates for interview
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- Public Notice (Objection)
Revised shortlisted candidates & their dates of interview
- Revised Eligible candidates(Faculty and residents)
- Revised eligible candidates(Paramedical and other staff)
- Revised Ineligible candidates
- Public Notice (Interview Dates)
- Postponement of interview of nonfaculty/ senior resident of dated 6/10/23
- Time slots notice for the interview of medical faculty
- Document verification for lab technician, staff nurses, and clerk(22-09-203)
- Notice that candidates are required to inform their mobile number(18-10-2023)
- Regarding recruitment to various following para medical & clerical vacancies(18-10-2023)
- Date extend - IT Cell (26-10-2023)
- Provisional Result of recruitment test [Subjective] held on 22-12-2023 for various post (27-12-2-2023)(New)
- Schedule for document verification (27-12-2-2023)(New)
- Document Verification Form for Recruitment of various vacancies (01-01-2024)(New)
For Result of the various faculty as well as non-faculty posts, kindly see new website link https://pilbs.punjab.gov.in/en/(New)
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